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More than 60% of leaks and breaks are due to... pressure transients aka water hammer.

Detection Services - global leader in pipeline asset field testing.

Pipe fatigue occurs in a water network
under pressure from undetected transients

Non-revenue water from cracks, leaks & breaks causes

Unplanned Operations

Capital Expenditure
Brought Forward

Asset Life

Service Levels

Calm your network

TD•Cloud was co-designed with leading experts in water utilities to solve the transient problem and calm your network.

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Solution Powered by Machine Learning (ML)

ML that converts Big Data
into Transient Detection

Algorithms co-designed
with SA Water

Reliable, user-friendly
software platform

Case Studies

Extend Pipe Asset Life by Identifying the Cause of Pressure Transients
Machine Learning
SA Water uses machine learning to uncover root-cause(s) of pressure transients for a calm water network
Pressure transients Water Hammer Water Utility Pipe Fatigue
Transient Detection in Water Networks using Machine Learning
anomaly detection
The complexity of a water pipe network can be compared to that of arteries, veins and capillaries in the human body. In recent years there has been increasing
asset fatigue reduce main breaks distributed water systems data science
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Find. Identify. Mitigate.

Find root-causes of water hammer by using our
ML-powered TD•Cloud platform.


Our expert team is ready to collaborate with your organisation to calm your network by solving pressure transients.

Let's calm your network with TD•Cloud.

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